We view protection of Your privacy as a very importantprinciple as we understand clearly that You and Your Personal Information asour most important assets. We may disclose personal information if required todo so by law or in the good faith belief that such disclosure is reasonablynecessary to respond to subpoenas, court orders, or other legal process, correspondenceInformation. Following are the various Correspondence Information which You providewhen You access/register for Our Service includes: Children under the age of18: Use of the Platform is available only to persons who can form legallybinding contracts under Indian Contract Act, 1872. Persons who are"incompetent to contract" within the meaning of the Indian ContractAct, 1872 including minors, un-discharged insolvents etc. are not eligible touse the Platform. If you are a minor i.e. under the age of 18years, you shallnot register as a User of the Platform and shall not transact on or use the Platform.As a minor if you wish to use or transact on MANSHARcart such use ortransaction may be made by your legal guardian or parents on the Platform. PersonalInformation: name, gender, age, images, contact/ postal address, telephone,email id, nationality and content. Financial Information: credit/ debit carddetails including card number and expiry date in encrypted form, details fornet banking services and Wallet services. Please be advised that MANSHARcartensures the highest degree of data security, while encrypting as per theguidelines specified by Payment Cards Industry Data Security Standard (PCIDSS). Payment and Account Information: Your account history with us including(without limitation) all billing information and communications, paymenthistory etc. We maintain this in encrypted form on secure servers. However,your transactions details may be preserved by MANSHARcart for purposes oftax or regulatory compliance. Transactional Information: Order ID,transactional history (other than banking details) about your e-commerceactivities on our MANSHARcart User IDs: Your usernames, passwords, emailaddresses, contacts, account including third-party accounts and othersecurity-related information used by you in relation to our Services. StoredInformation: Data either created by you or by a third party and which you wishto store on our servers such as image files, documents etc. Shared Information:What types of information are not allowed on Platform? Nudity or other sexuallysuggestive content, Hate speech, credible threats or direct attacks on anindividual or group Content that contains self-harm or excessive violence, Fakeor impostor profiles Spam Technical and functional management of the Platform.When you use our Platform, we also process technical data such as yourIP-address, Device ID, Device Contacts, Device Accounts including third-partyaccounts or MAC-address, and information about the manufacturer, model, andoperating system of your mobile device.
We use this data to enable us to deliver the functionalities of the Platform,resolve technical difficulties, and provide you with the correct(prevent thetransmission of spam, viruses and/or unlawful, defamatory, obscene or otherwiseundesirable material or content) and most up to date version of the Platform. OperationalUse. We may use your information for suggesting products and promotional offersand schemes. You may update your profiling information at any time on thePlatform. You acknowledge and agree such update is for Your interests and forimproving personalization and service efficiency of the Platform. Applicablelaw and procedure. We collect and store your Correspondence Information to:(a)comply with our obligations under law and (b) monitor your use of ourServices in order to ensure your compliance with our Terms of Service. Note:However, as effective as encryption technology is, no security system isimpenetrable. We cannot guarantee the security of our database, nor can weguarantee that information you supply won't be intercepted while being transmittedto us over the Internet. Any transmission of information by you to our Platformis at your own risk. We recommend that you do not disclose your password toanyone. Cookie Policy. A cookie is a small text file that we place on yourmobile device to enable various features of MANSHARcart ."Cookies" are used to store user preferences and to track user trends,so as to enhance your interactive experience and generally improve our Servicesto you. You can change your cookie settings to accept or not accept cookies inyour browser settings. If you do accept a "cookie", you thereby agreeto our use of any Personal Information collected by us using that Cookie. Ifyou do accept a "cookie", you thereby agree to our use of anyPersonal Information collected by us using that Cookie. Whenever MANSHARcartuses a third party to host and serve content, we may arrange for a commonidentifier to be shared between the third party and MANSHARcart in orderto enable accurate measurement of traffic and usage. This includes but is not limitedto the use of AMP Client IDs in Google Analytics for Accelerated Mobile Pagesserved by Google on MANSHARcart ’s behalf. Third Party. At times We maytie-up with third parties, brand owners or other partners and make available certainoffers, events or special schemes. In such instances, Your personal informationmay be shared with such third parties and/or may become available to them or bedisclosed to them, such third parties may have their own applicable privacyrules and We shall not be liable for the use or misuse of Your information bysuch third parties. We only collect your Personal Information to conduct ourbusiness and to enable us to deliver and improve our services. We do not forany reason whatsoever sell your Correspondence Information to any third partyor otherwise trade on it. Selling: As a registered seller, you are allowed tolist item(s) for sale on the Platform in accordance with the Policies which areincorporated by way of reference in this Terms of Use. You must be legally ableto sell the item(s) you list for sale on the Platform. You must ensure that thelisted items do not infringe upon the intellectual property, trade secret orother proprietary rights or rights of publicity or privacy rights of third parties.Listings may only include text descriptions, graphics and pictures thatdescribe your item for sale. All listed items must be listed in an appropriatecategory on the Platform. All listed items must be kept in stock for successfulfulfilment of sales. The listing description of the item must not be misleadingand must describe actual condition of the product. If the item description doesnot match the actual condition of the item, you agree to refund any amountsthat you may have received from the Buyer. You agree not to list a singleproduct in multiple quantities across various categories on the Platform.MANSHARcart reserves the right to delete such multiple listings of the sameproduct listed by you in various categories. We may provide you alternationservices (limited to alteration of length, alteration of the waist size) forthe garments purchased by You from Us. This service shall be free of cost andno amount would be collected from You for such alteration. However, a nominalfee as mentioned by MANSHARcart at the time of creating the alterationrequest (inclusive of service tax) would be applicable as convenience chargetowards pick up and drop of the garments or towards tailor visit (whereverapplicable).E-Platform for Communication: You agree, understand and acknowledgethat MANSHARcart is an online platform that enables you to purchaseproducts listed on the Platform at the price indicated therein at any time. Youfurther agree and acknowledge that MANSHARcart is only a facilitator andis not and cannot be a party to or control in any manner any transactions on MANSHARcartTrademark, Copyright and Restriction: Platform is controlled and operatedby and Termination: MANSHARcart may suspend or terminate your use of theMANSHARcart or any Service if it believes, in its sole and absolutediscretion that you have infringed, breached, violated, abused, or unethically manipulatedor exploited any term of these Terms of Service or anyway otherwise acted unethically.Notwithstanding anything in this clause, these Terms of Service will survive indefinitelyunless and until MANSHARcart chooses to terminate them. If You or MANSHARcartterminates your use of the Platform or any Service, MANSHARcart maydelete anycontent or other materials relating to your use of the Service and MANSHARcartwill have no liability to you or any third party for doing so. However,your transactions details may be preserved by MANSHARcart for purposesof tax or regulatory compliance. Gambit may unilaterally terminate Your accounton any event as mentioned in the Terms Of Use. Any credits earned throughloyalty or referral program, MANSHARcart credit and pending refunds if anywill be forfeited in such case. Returns/Refund for such Users shall be at thesole discretion of MANSHARcart .If You use any false e-mail address oruse the portal for any unlawful and fraudulent purposes, which may causeannoyance and inconvenience and abuses any policy and rules of the company ormislead MANSHARcart by sharing multiple address and phone numbers ortransacting with malafide intentions then MANSHARcart reserves the rightto refuse access to the portal, terminateaccounts including any linked accountswithout notice to you. are sold by respective Sellers. All material onPlatform, including images, illustrations, audio clips, and video clips, areprotected by copyrights, trademarks, and other intellectual property rights.Material on MANSHARcart is solely for Your personal, non-commercial use.You must not copy, reproduce, republish, upload, post, transmit or distributesuch material in any way, including by email or other electronic means and whetherdirectly or indirectly and You must not assist any other person to do so.Without the prior written consent of the owner, modification of the materials,use of the materials on any other MANSHARcart or networked computerenvironment or use of the materials for any purpose other than personal,non-commercial use is a violation of the copyrights, trademarks and other proprietaryrights, and is prohibited. Any use for which You receive any remuneration,whether in money or otherwise, is a commercial use for the purposes of thisclause. It is expressly clarified that You will retain ownership and shallsolely be responsible for any content that You provide or upload when using anyService, including any text, data, information, images, photographs, music,sound, video or any other material which you may upload, transmit or store whenmaking use of Our various Service. However, We reserve the right touse/reproduce any content uploaded by You and You agree to grant royalty free,irrevocably, unconditionally, perpetually and worldwide right to Us to use thecontent for reasonable business purpose. Limitation of Liability: In no eventshall MANSHARcart be liable for any indirect, punitive, incidental,special, consequential damages or any other damages resulting from: the use orthe inability to use the Services or Products unauthorized access to oralteration of the user's transmissions or data breach of condition,representations or warranties by the manufacturer of the Products any othermatter relating to the services including, without limitation, damages for lossof use, data or profits, arising out of or in any way connected with the use orperformance of the Platform or Service. MANSHARcart shall not be heldresponsible for non-availability of the MANSHARcart during periodicmaintenance operations or any unplanned suspension of access to the MANSHARcart.The User understands and agrees that any material and/or data downloaded at MANSHARcart is done entirely at Usersown discretion and risk and they will be solely responsible for any damage to theirmobile or loss of data that results from the download of such material and/ordata. To the maximum extend that is permissible under law, MANSHARcart isliability shall be limited to an amount equal to the Products purchased valuebought by You. Gambit shall not be liable for any dispute or disagreementbetween Users. Termination: MANSHARcart may suspend or terminate youruse of the MANSHARcart or any Service if it believes, in its sole andabsolute discretion that you have infringed, breached, violated, abused, orunethically manipulated or exploited any term of these Terms of Service oranyway otherwise acted unethically. Notwithstanding anything in this clause,these Terms of Service will survive indefinitely unless and until MANSHARcartchooses to terminate them. If You or MANSHARcart terminates your useof the Platform or any Service, MANSHARcart may delete any content orother materials relating to your use of the Service and MANSHARcart willhave no liability to you or any third party for doing so. However, yourtransactions details may be preserved by MANSHARcart for purposes of taxor regulatory compliance. MANSHARcart may unilaterally terminate Youraccount on any event as mentioned in the Terms Of Use. Any credits earnedthrough loyalty or referral program, MANSHARcart credit and pendingrefunds if anywill be forfeited in such case. Returns/Refund for such Usersshall be at the sole discretion of MANSHARcart If You use any falsee-mail address or use the portal for any unlawful and fraudulent purposes, whichmay cause annoyance and inconvenience and abuses any policy and rules of the companyor mislead MANSHARcart by sharing multiple address and phone numbers ortransacting with malafide intentions then MANSHARcart reserves the rightto refuse access to the portal, terminate accounts including any linkedaccounts without notice to you. Jurisdictional Issues/Sale in India Only: Unlessotherwise specified, the material on the Platform is presented solely for thepurpose of sale in India. MANSHARcart make no representation thatmaterials in the Platform are appropriate or available for use in other locations/Countriesother than India. Those who choose to access Platform from otherlocations/Countries other than India do so on their own initiative and MANSHARcartnot responsible for supply of products/refund for the products ordered fromother locations/Countries other than India, compliance with local laws, if andto the extent local laws are applicable. Governing Law: These terms shall begoverned by and constructed in accordance with the laws of India without referenceto conflict of laws principles and disputes arising in relation hereto shall besubject to the exclusive jurisdiction of courts, tribunals, foram, applicableauthorities at Ernakulam. The place of jurisdiction shall be exclusively in Ernakulam.Contacting the Seller: At MANSHARcart , we are committed towardsensuring that disputes between Sellers and Buyers aresettled amicably by way ofthe above dispute resolution mechanisms and procedures. However,in the eventthat You wish to contact MANSHARcart about the seller, You may proceedto do so by clicking on the seller name on the product listing pages.Alternatively, You may also reach out to https://www.mansharcart.com.

Disclaimer: You acknowledge and undertake that you areaccessing the services on the Platform and transacting at your own risk and areusing your best and prudent judgment before entering in to any transactionsthrough MANSHARcart . We shall neither be liable nor responsible for anyactions or in actions of sellers nor any breach of conditions, representationsor warranties by the sellers or manufacturers of the products and herebyexpressly disclaim and any all responsibility and liability in that regard. Weshall not mediate or resolve any dispute or disagreement between You and thesellers or manufacturers of the products. We further expressly disclaim any warrantiesor representations (express or implied) in respect of quality, suitability,accuracy, reliability, completeness, timeliness, performance, safety,merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or legality of the productslisted or displayed or transacted or the content (including product or pricinginformation and/or specifications) on Platform. While we have taken precautionsto avoid inaccuracies in content, this website, all content, information(including the price of products), software, products, services and relatedgraphics are provided as is, without warranty of any kind. At no time shall anyright, title or interest in the products sold through or displayed on Platformvest with MANSHARcart nor shall MANSHARcart have any obligationsor liabilities in respect of any transactions on Platform. Delivery Related -User agrees and acknowledges that any claims regarding order delivery(includingnon-receipt/ non- delivery of order or signature verification) shall benotified to MANSHARcart within 5 days from the alleged date of deliveryof product reflecting on the MANSHARcart portal. Non notification by Youof non-receipt or non-delivery within the time period specified shall be construedas a deemed delivery in respect of that transaction. Gambit disclaims anyliability or responsibility for claims regarding non-delivery, non-receipt oforder (including signature verification in Proof of delivery) after 5 days fromthe alleged date of delivery of product reflecting on the MANSHARcart portal.